Account Settings

Company Settings

Create and customize your company settings. Update basic company information, add your company logo, change your timezone, day of week the calendar starts and date format.

Users & Permissions

How to add users, plus set user level permissions including account level, performance report and filter group access.

Add Additional Companies

Learn how to add additional companies to your account. Great for agencies and holding companies.

Managing Promos

Adding Promos

Learn the basics of how to manage your marketing and promotional messages with promos. Learn about adding promos manually, assigning filter groups, changing promo colors, adding promo codes, adding landing pages, adding descriptions and adding attachments.

Recurring Activities

Learn how to set up activities to repeat daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

Promo Alerts

Find out how promo alerts work and how to adjust email alerts sent for promo changes - such as PromoBuzz chats, start or end dates, and promo detail edits.

Activity Labels

Add or remove activity labels to adjust types of content displayed in the calendar, and permission users to specify activity access.

Custom Form Fields

Learn how custom fields work and how to add or edit fields on your promo form.

Adjusting & Setting Color Rules

Learn how to adjust colors on marketing activities and set up color rules to automatically assign colors.


Send and receive user messages with PromoPrep's in-platform chat feature, called PromoBuzz - keep all planning communications in one place.

Importing Promos

Learn how to bulk import promos from your marketing schedule into PromoPrep, for a jump start on promo planning.

Downloading Promos

Learn how to quickly export all promos into spreadsheet format, for use in external analysis applications or database storage.

Using the Calendar

Performance Tracking

Instructions on how to upload marketing data or connect to third party tools, to analyze promo performance in the calendar or performance reports.

Printing Promos

Print your marketing and promotional plans from the calendar, for access to the schedule when you're not in PromoPrep.

Calendar View

View promos during in the Calendar View, which provides quick and readable visibility into what's planned in the marketing schedule.

List View

View promos in an ordered list with customized date ranges. Get an additional level of detail within the promo record.