Steve Lamar
Learn the major differences between GA4 and Universal GA and what to do to prepare.
Slides used in GA4 presentation
So what’s going on, Google? Why, why are they forcing this on us?
It’s kind of frustrating from a working standpoint. We’re all used to what we’re used to and it’s a big change. Not only is it a big change for being able to understand the reporting and the data coming through, but also there’s efforts that have to be made to actually switch.
But Google Analytics has been around for 20 years, right? Since 2005. It’s an older technology, really. If you think of when it was developed, there really weren’t web apps or mobile apps.
And so everything has changed in Google analytics, the current version, Universal Analytics.
So, Universal Analytics is all based on a page view and a mobile app doesn’t actually have a page view. Right? There’s just nuances there.
As the web is moving away from cookies and its reliance on cookies, GA4 is going to get better at filling the gaps with machine learning so that’s part of the reason as well.
Plus, there’s better tracking across apps and web. So, if you have a web app and you’ve got, a marcomm or a website – like at PromoPrep – we’ve got our marketing site, we’ve got, our app on a separate domain, being able to cross track traffic across the app and the web is a lot easier in G4.
GA4 for the way it’s designed, works better in apps as well. And more accurate reporting because it’s all event based.
So there’s several reasons why GA4 was created. I know we’re all resisting it. I have been as well, and quite honestly, I haven’t really dove into this until about four weeks ago.
So it’s a big change for all.
But looking at the differences between Universal Analytics in GA4 so Universal Analytics that both, systems are based on users. Right. And both have sessions, sessions are defined a little differently in both systems, but we both have a session.
So you go to a site, you hit the site and then, in Universal Analytics a page view occurs.
And that starts your session, but in Universal Analytics the only thing that happens out of the box are these page views.
And so page view occurs and then that gets tracked and it pushes that data back into GA and you track a session starting, you get your time on site and your bounce rates and all those things.
So it’s pretty simplistic. GA4 is different in that you still have these sessions, but inside the session you have events and events are basically, things like, uh, watching the video, clicking on a button, scrolling on a page.
All of these things are tracked and pushed into G. Some of them automatically where in a Universal Analytics, in order for those things to happen and track those things, you had to actually set up to do that and push it in the GA. So some very, very fundamental differences in terms of how it’s tracking the data.
So looking at jumping around, looking at the session. and, and how the session is defined and that they, they they’re defined a little differently in Universal Analytics versus a GA4. So when, again, if you go to a website, your session starts when you, when the, uh, when you hit the site and a page view occurs, right?
And then the session will stop. If you close your. Or if you’re inactive for 30 minutes. Okay. So after 30 minutes of inactivity, your session ends and that happened, that’s still true in GA4, but the difference with G four is, your session won’t restart. If your source of traffic. And what that means is in Universal Analytics.
If let’s say I go to a shopping site, I’m going to go check out and right before I go check out, I go to an affiliate site. I go find a coupon. I click on the coupon, a site and it redirected back to my back to the site. I was on, uh, the, the shop. Your session will actually change. And your, because the source of the traffic changed.
So the affiliate site is now going to get credit for that traffic because it’s a brand new session. And then I go check out and all of a sudden the affiliate site gets traffic or gets credit versus whatever drove me to the site. Before, before that. And so in universal virtual analytics, that’s how that happens in GA4 that, that doesn’t happen.
Right? So your session will persist even if that source of traffic changes. So in that scenario, if you go to an affiliate site, let’s say you come in on paid search, you’re ready to check out. You go to affiliate an affiliate, you click on click and re redirects you back. the source of traffic won’t change in GFR.
It’ll actually add a new source of traffic to your, your session, but it won’t change. Okay. So that’s a pretty big distinction. and then, uh, and also one other kind of weird thing is like, your session actually changes in the middle of the night. So at like midnight, if you, if you’re, you’re having to be browsing it.
Your session will break and restart. If you, if you cross over days and Universal Analytics and GA4, it doesn’t anymore. So because of this, that the number of sessions in GA4 are actually going to be lower than in universal. So you can’t actually compare the two systems and say, Hey, we have this many sessions in universal and we have this many in GA4.
Why aren’t they lining up? Just because fundamentally sessions are tracked a little differently.
Great. And then I’m looking at events and event tracking. So all of four is, is, uh, event triggered. So, when someone hits a website and have a start session event is triggered and a page view session is triggered. so those are, those are automated and there’s other automations that happen as well. that didn’t happen in Universal Analytics.
So I’ve got this little screen view, video going. these are the kinds of actions that are now being tracked automatically. So as a scroll, a screen is scrolled up and down. if you hit 90% of the page, it will then fire a page. If you click on a link that takes you off site that’ll track automatically.
If you have on a search bar on your site, like your, an e-comm or a blog or something, you can do searches that will track track automatically. if you watch a video, it’ll track when you play it, when you pause it, how long you’re watching it. so that that’s pretty cool. And then, if you doubt you have a ways to download files on your, your.
It’ll track that automatically as well. So out of the box, GA4 is really focused on these different events, but the benefit is we’ve got now the ability to see more engagement types of things. We’re not just getting a page view, we’re actually now understanding better about engagement. And so that’s really what JFR is really focused on is.
Now in universal intellects, we could’ve captured all these things and I’ve set up a lot of sites that do this, but you have to actually go and configure it in GA4 the things listed here. And some others do that automatically.
Uh, channels. Okay. So this is a big one. we as marketers, lover channels, right. We really want to know what’s driving traffic to the site. uh, what are they doing? Are they are our conversions happening based on what channels and, and things like that. So fundamentally Google’s really changed how, uh, channel.
Are being tracked in Universal Analytics, you had complete control over your channels. You could create new custom, you create new channels, you could delete channels. You could, uh, change the rules of how sort of the source of traffic gets added to change. so there was a lot of configuration you can do.
That’s no longer with J for G the, the benefit is GA4 has given you more default channels than it did before, but you can’t change it. You can’t adjust it at all. And so, you can see here things like mobile push notifications, SMS paid social. I mean, a lot of these are new and so there’s a lot more to work with, but you have to work inside of the.
And so it’s super critical to make sure that, your UTM parameters, as you add, when you’re setting up different URLs, like if you’re running ads on page, on Facebook or, in your emails and things like that, you’ve got to make sure that your UTM parameters are dead on to what the rules are, or they’re not going to fall into the channels.
And that’s always been the case, but you could kind of change it around and, and, uh, adjust, uh, the, the, the rules and universal to make it match. Now you can. And so there are some guidelines here. I pulled out two of the rules here, and so for instance, you’d have to fall into the email channel, your source.
So like UTM source would have to be email or your medium would have to be email or any of these combinations of that, and then paid social. For instance, Google’s going to have a list of social sites and we’re familiar with most of them, you know, Tik TOK and LinkedIn and Facebook and things. there’s a few other kind of random ones you wouldn’t necessarily think are social, like Reddit and Cora and things like that.
But Google, if, if, if the source is coming from a social site and your medium includes CP equals PPC, or it starts with paid it’ll bucket that into paid. But you have to follow these rules in order to do it, or your traffic coming over is going to fall into kind of an undefined bucket, or it might get Nixon into a different bucket.
So just got to make sure these are kind of squeaky clean. there’s a few tools I’ll actually show you at the end here to talk about, uh, how to make sure your UTM parameters are set up properly. but that’s, that’s critical here and a big difference in GA4.
Okay. bounce rates are gone, so no more bounce rates in G4. this is a kind of a big one because I think a lot of folks are we’re used to bounce rate and using that as a measure for, how well are our pages are performing, but really it’s kind of a, a false measure. if you think about, if someone comes to a blog post, right.
They’re doing research and they do a search, they go to the blog and, they got what they needed and they leave. Right. If they didn’t do anything else, they just viewed that one page and they didn’t go to another page. They’re not triggering another hit, like watching a video or doing. That’s a bounce and that, and from our standpoint, we like, ah, this, this page must not be performing well because it bounced, it has a high bounce rate, but that’s not necessarily the case.
So Google has actually redone how, they, they track, uh, And it’s all about engagement. So you’ll see in the reporting, there’s a ton of information about engage session, engagement, rate, engage users, engagement time, all that’s now built in. And the way that an engaged session is measured is based on the user has been on the page for 10 seconds or more, or they viewed more than one page, or they’ve had some sort of conversion.
So it’s not now that in 10 seconds, isn’t a very long threshold, so you don’t have bounces, but now you have engaged sessions. That means they’ve been on the site for 10 seconds or more. You can adjust that. So if you have a page or so if your site, you want to adjust that you can go all the way up to 60 seconds, or you can change that engagement rate where it actually triggers and engage session, but very different kind of way of thinking about this.
So as you get in there and start seeing the report. you’ll see engagement, uh, is pretty prominent.
Then we got attribution, right? Everybody loves attribution in marketing. We really want to make sure we know what channels are getting credit for the traffic that’s coming to the site and, and, and, uh, what the, how they’re converting. So taking a step back in, in Universal Analytics and how that was working, that was all based on last click, non.
Which means the, the source of the traffic, that the last source of the traffic that came through, when someone clicked on something, it gets credit for, for whatever converts. So if it’s a form fill, if it’s a purchase, And that conversion event is, is going to go and give, uh, the credit is going to be given to the last channel that drove that traffic.
There’s a couple of examples here. So let’s say, you know, a month ago you came from display, you saw this site, then you visited back on social and you did a search on paid search and came through, and then you signed up for their emails and you clicked through on an email. Well, let’s say I convert and I make a purchase on this email click.
No, none of these other channels are going to get credit except for email in this last clip. And similar in a last click non-direct, but it’s kind of the same thing. We’ve got display, social paid search, and then they come through. Well, paid search is actually gonna get credit because the direct doesn’t get credit, but this is, this is the last click model.
And so Universal Analytics, a hundred percent uses this GA4, actually doesn’t for the most part. it’s now using a data-driven model and the data-driven model is basically a way to, with machine learning. It identifies how the, the channel and that the traffic from that channel influenced the.
And so you may have in these scenarios, let’s say display happened like a month ago. Right. And then paid search just happened today. And then they click through an email today as well. Google may give more credit for paid search and email than it will for, for display, because display, it definitely had had some influence because that was the first, the first interaction that there was, but maybe not as much as paid search or email.
Cause that was kinda more on the closing side of actually making the converting. So I can’t, I can’t get into the details of how they’re doing it, but basically it’s all data-driven, or started machine learning driven and, and data-driven that way. So very different model. you’ll notice here, I’ve got a screenshot from G4S UI where you can actually do some comparisons to see where you have your last click model and your data-driven model and on the left-hand side.
So in this case, like organic’s going to get more credit in the last click model, but less credit, less revenue in a data-driven. And so every single conversion, could have a different influence on different channels based on the behavior of the user. And one thing to know, if your site doesn’t get a lot of traffic or Google doesn’t have enough data, it will, it’ll default back to this, to the last click model and they call it cross channel last click.
Now they’ll default back to that. if they don’t have enough for the, for data-driven, so last click is still being used. but, not as, not as much as, you know, kind of more focused on the data-driven.
Okay. now looking at the events you, you must set up, right? So I talked about the automated events. if you want to track things like, are people signing up, are they making a purchase? Are they adding things to cart? Are they generally, are you generating a lead somehow? are they clicking the log in button or logging into.
None of these are going to be automatically attract. You can track all these and you should track all of these. but it’s not automated. So this is where this is kind of the nuance of switching over J where forward can get more complicated, because if you don’t get these set up, it’s not going to track it.
So you definitely need to get, get working on, on getting those set up. but none of this is automated, but you, you can and should track all of these types of things.
And then looking at conversions. so in GA universal GA, it used to be called goals now that are called conversions. you basically can set a con a conversion off of any event that comes in. So here we got things like page views, session starts scrolling login. in this case we just want sign up to be our conversion.
So we toggle that one on that becomes now. And you can actually create, a lot of different, different events that will then be counted as a conversion if you’d like there’s ways to kind of configure that. so there’s lots of D in Universal Analytics, so you can really, find nightly, create different conversions or goals, and you can kind of do the same thing in GA4.
So we’re not losing that. it’s just a different interface in a different way.
Great. So I’m gonna pause a second. That’s that’s kinda the, the first part of like the fundamental differences. if you have questions or I see there’s a lot, I’m going to go to the ask questions real quick. Um,
okay. Some of the questions. I have no idea. Why is it called GA4, I don’t know. let’s see. One, two. This is actually the fourth iteration because they were urgent. Then there was another one in between them. Then they switched to universal says it’s the fourth iteration I think is just a version of number.
will it result in less direct none and not set? I think you’re still going to get a decent amount of direct traffic in there. that really shouldn’t change a director’s means that Google doesn’t know the source of the traffic. so you should probably see a similar amount of direct. I can imagine that’s going to change to.
is there a full list of the new channel rules available? There absolutely is just do a Google search for, GA4, uh, channel rules. And there’s a huge list similar to what I had in the presentation. but, uh, it’s kinda complicated. It’s there use a lot of red jacks to kind of tell you what the rules are and stuff I’ve actually, I’ll show you a tool that, I’ve got that will kind of help with that.
so I’ll get into that a little. Can the attribution influence percent be customized for your own defaults? or is it always, no, it’s always going to be machine learning. You can turn it off. You can actually switch from data-driven to last click. So all your reports are last click or there’s a couple of your models you can switch to.
and you can, you can interchange that you can kind of turn it on and off if you want, but if you’re on data-driven it’s, data-driven, there’s nothing you can.
What’s enough data for data-driven attribution. I have no idea. I’m sorry. it’s gotta be a lot, right? If you think about, how much data is needed to really make a proper estimate on, on, on behavior. they’d got to have enough data, uh, backed up to be able to understand, uh, how to, to predict, uh, behavior or understand behavior.
So unfortunately, don’t have a great answer on that. what about conversion dollar values? Corey, I’m not, oh, it’s I think that you’re, you’re asking, can you assign a value to, the conversion? I think you can, I don’t know, a hundred percent. I’m going to have to look that I don’t know for sure. and then have you tried convert, converting or using Google ads?
with UAA goals. I have not played with that much. Sorry. I don’t have a good answer there. and then do covers have a value, I think. Is that what that was your question? I don’t know. I haven’t looked in that too much. Like you can assign a value, a conversion value in universal. I have not seen that, so I have to play around with that a little bit.
Okay. So I think I answered most of the questions. if you, if I didn’t, uh, please re-ask it. I’m going to jump into the UI now. show you a little bit about that. If you haven’t been in here before I’m in a, uh, so Google has a demo account. You can access to, anybody can get access to this. just do a quick search on, on, uh, I don’t know, Google analytics demo account.
You can connect this to your own login and then get all this data, which is kind of cool. So you can see everything that, all the reports and stuff, You can see here, everything’s more streamlined. So you’ve got more car it’s card-based and you have like all these insights and things that Google is pulling.
and then you’ve got this kind of streamlined menus and things like that. So, getting into the reports, this is probably where you’re going to spend most of your time. but you’ll notice that it’s, it’s, there’s just not as much of it. so there’s three main collections as I called. So you have acquisition, so where’s the traffic coming from engagement.
What are they doing when they get to your site or app and the monetization? Are you making. so the, they break down in three different categories here or collections and then each site inside of these, you’ve got different reports. So if I jump into this traffic acquisition point or report, we’ve got, all the different channels.
So we’ve got direct organic display, all those channels here. And then you’ve got your users, your sessions, and you can see things like engaged session. uh, and then all the way through to your conversion information. So kind of similar to the universal stuff where you had had that information there, you can add one more kind of secondary dimension here as well.
That’s about it. and then you, you’ve got things like, uh, you can look at all the different events, right? So all the events that are firing, and then things like con what conversions are happening. So it’s a cleaner interface for sure. which is nice. And actually, actually let me jump to the econ, econ purchases.
So kind of similar there. So you’ve got like, your item names and, and, uh, things like that. How are items being performed or products performing, It’s very much cleaner. And the cool thing is like this, this is a big benefit. I’m gonna jump over to a demo account that I have control over. there is this because I can’t do it in the dump, the GA demo.
but there’s a library and you can actually change all of this to anything you want. So right now I got, I, I removed the monetization collection cause I don’t need that. And I’ve got acquisition and engagement and now you have in this library. You can come and either delete things, you can add new reports.
So all of these other reports that are showing up over here, so you can see user acquisitions here, traffic acquisitions. Here. I can come in here. I can change this. I can delete things I can add new. So you’ve got a lot of control over what you see, which is kind of nice. Cause I think in the Universal Analytics now, No.
I tended to go to like two or three reports on a regular basis and maybe some others, much more irregularly and it became really messy and noisy. So this does give you the ability to have a more streamlined view.
Cool. Then we get into, there’s this explore section. So Google Universal Analytics, you have custom reports. You can create, they’re kind of little clunky and not very useful. This is super cool. Like you’ve got a lot of visualizations you can build. so you can create like funnels. So if you’re, if you have an e-comm, you can create.
Like your, your funnel from someone, going through the checkout flow, you can do things like that. Like you’ve got these path explanation, uh, reports you can create, so you can see how people are navigating through your website. And Google had some of those reports, but you couldn’t really customize them the way you can on this.
So this exploration section gives you a ton of, of, of ways of visualizing and creating new types of reports, which is.
Then we have this advertising section. I’m not quite sure why they call it advertising. it’s attribution actually. this is where I pulled that, that, report out in, in the presentation. Well, we’ve got the app, the model comparisons. So you can S you can compare last click to your data-driven. You can compare really any different types of attribution, like first click, linear time decay.
There’s lots of different types, and you can, you can compare those. You can do that in Universal Analytics as well. So that’s not different, but the data-driven piece is what’s different here.
And then conversion paths is kind of like how many touch points that a certain channel have before it converted. so that Google and universal has this as well. it’s a much cleaner look here though. but this is a useful tool. So these are ma attribution stuff. Again, I don’t know why it’s under advertising, but it is.
and then you get into configured. And this is where you can come in and set up your conversions. So, and, and more events as well. So you can come in and toggle on and off different conversions, depending on how, what you want to set as a conversion. and then you can also create new events based on events that are already in getting pushed in here as well.
I’m not going to get into that. It’s kind of getting too, too in the weeds, but a lot of flexibility in, in what you’re capturing, the data that.
Great. So I’ll pause there one more second here. Look for other questions.
XE asked about the data-driven model. Is it different from the shapely approach? I’m, I’m assuming it’s the same data-driven model that they’ve been using. I can’t imagine they’ve, they’ve shifted away from that necessarily. so my guess is, I don’t have any data to back this up, but I, I, my guess is it’s going to be similar to what they’ve had in the past.
They just now made it a fundamental part of G. What if your website isn’t e-commerce how do you use the info in the monetization? And unless you have, like, if you’re an app and you take in out purchases or you, you do, e-com, you don’t need monetization. And in the example I gave here, I actually deleted that collection out of here.
So you can come in here and say, all right, I’m going to look at my collections. I’m going to edit them. And then hopefully I’m doing this. Yeah, you can come over here and like, you be able to delete an entire collection if you don’t want that monetization. So you can get rid of that. So you, so I’m Sarah, you asked that question, you’d be able to set up your conversions based on different types of events, like, uh, form fills, uh, like lead generation kind of form fills downloading of white papers or PDFs or something.
So you can adjust that differently and that would fall into conversion.
configuring products for SAS. If you are capturing your data for, an app, that’s where it actually is is, is pretty cool. you, you basically, you’re going to, you need to use Google tag manager to really push a lot of events based on what’s, how users are behaving and actions they’re taking is that gets pretty technical, but you can do a lot of great things, for tracking your app inside there.
Okay. So, there’s one question about the tagging. I’m going to walk you through real quick, how to actually set up GA. so I’ll walk you through that and this can be loaded in parallel with, Universal Analytics. So Universal Analytics will stay as is. You don’t have to touch that and you can just, you can load this, separately.
And so, it’s as a couple of steps to get it set up in GA, but then, you’ll need to then set your, your code on the site. So if I come in here and say, I’m going to set up a new test. I’m not going to tell them about my information here. I’m going to say next. Okay. So now I’ve hit create. So now you have the ability to say, is this a website I’m going to track?
Is it an Android app or is an iOS app? So for all, most, most folks it’s going to be web. So I’m gonna go ahead and select that. And then I’m just going to simply put in my website address. What’s my site mean? How do I want it to look in, in the interface? And then this is, these are those, those events that I was talking about that will track by default.
so page use scrolling, outbound clicks, site search, video enhancements, or engagements, and then file downloads. All of this will track automatically. So I’m going to go ahead and just leave this as is, and, and you can toggle these on and off at first run. The reason you don’t have videos or you don’t do file downloads, you can turn those off if you want.
but then you just hit create. Okay, now what’s creating this data stream and now that’s basically just like the collection or the, the, the connection that that’s being, going to be. And then, so that’s all set. Now, what you need to do is go and add your tag to onto your site. So if you’re already using the G tag, which is kind of the newer tag, this will basically already just connect to that tag.
If you’re, you’ve been using Universal Analytics for a long time, you’re going to need to add this new tag on your site. So either need to get with your, with your develop. And ask them to add the tag or what I would recommend doing. If you don’t have Google tag manager already loaded, get Google tag managers code added on your site.
And then you’re just going to connect GA4 to, through Google tag manager. And there’s quick instructions on how you do that. You add a tag and then you add your code, your, your ID into tag. Now. And that will then start firing on there. So getting like initially getting this set up, as you can see, I already did the basics.
You just got to get the tag on there and off you go, like, it’s not that complicated to get the initial setup going. but it’s, it’s getting up all the events. If you want to track those to, to make sure that you’re getting those set up properly.
Okay. question about GTM being phased out. I have not heard Google tag manager is being phased out. It’s a pretty popular tool. I can imagine they’re going to get rid of that if they do. I’m going to be in a lot of trouble and a lot of people will, so hopefully they’re not getting rid of that. so I can’t imagine they are.
I have not heard that. Um,
Okay. there’s, there’s a question about permissioning in UAA views. permissioning still happens, but you don’t actually have views anymore. so if you’re familiar with how views used to show up over here. so if I were to jump into, uh, uh, uh, Universal Analytics, you can see these views come up and you can like create different views and filter on them and everything J for you.
Can’t do. You just have the property, but you can still set your permissions on the property itself. so you can, you can control the, the user, what users can see that with this access management here,
setting up through Shopify, you can shut, you can set it up, but you will have to set it up. Shopify is not ready for. they don’t have a quick way. Like you could just add the code, like they can with universal, you can’t do that. You will have to use Google tag manager and you will have to set up all the GTM tags to fire off purchase events and add to cart events and all that stuff.
It’s fairly complicated. so, uh, sorry, that’s not a great answer, to hear, but right now, a lot of platforms aren’t really ready for GA4 where you can just kind of add a code and have it.
if I had a website Android app, uh, do you need all the elaborate? okay. So if you have, uh, a website, an Android app, an iOS app, it’s all gonna be different data streams. So you know how I set up a data stream? When I created a new PO property, you’re going to set up separate data streams, and then you’re going to.
implement the code on each of those platforms, but it’ll all come into the same property. So you’ll then be able to, then there’s ways in your reporting to basically change out your platform. If you want to filter out and say, okay, what’s my web traffic doing? What’s my iOS traffic doing? What’s my website doing?
But all the data comes into one place.
Okay. is there an easy at a glance report? That’s shareable roof? I don’t know. I think you’re talking about it’s probably, I mean, the best thing you actually started, you, you can share that like your, any sort of. Uh, dashboard here. So like, let’s say I go to the home screen, you could create a nice home screen here, or like create your own collection that your only collection of reports.
And then you can share those out. let me see if I can see that here. Oh, some of the screens, do you have it? So, yes, the answer’s yes.
Okay, but don’t see any other questions, I think answer most of those. All right. So getting to close here. Uh, all right. So went through that last couple of things. Here’s things to do now, right? Like Google made the announcement a few weeks ago that they’re getting away getting a ride, uh, analytics and or GA Universal Analytics in July 20, 23 feels like we have a year.
We really don’t. Because if you want to be able to do your comparisons, you have to get it in now. And by for sure, by July one of this year. so at the very least go through what I just went. And get the basic setup, but you really need to get, your events, uh, your key events, like sign-ups log-in form completions purchases, all that stuff should really be set up now.
So you have a long history of data. Google has alluded to the fact that they may actually not only shut off universal, but stop giving you the access to the data completely by the end of 2020. Which would really suck. Like I hope they don’t do it, but they might. And so get GA4 setup as soon as you can.
So you have at least a year’s worth of data. And then on your marketing platforms, make sure that you get your UTMs clean, and get the, like, work on that now. Right? There’s no reason not to because this, the systems will work the same. Universal Analytics rules will work in the similar way as GA4 rules will work.
So you may as well get those set up to work in GA4. And so a couple of different tools you can use to make, to help streamline. at promo prep, we’ve got a quick tool where you can just kind of punch in a URL, select your channel, and it’ll help guide you into what source, medium and campaign name to important source of medium and medium.
Your campaign name can change, but source and medium should be something that, Google, uh, that Google needs, in order to push it into that channel. So that’s a quick way to do that. I will send you the link to that here and notice I’ve got some nice UTMs in that. And then also my friends over at, uh, blue moon and merge.
they’ve got this really cool, uh, campaign coder it’s called the universal campaign code or UCC. It’s a really robust way to, systematize and really, clean up and standardize all of your. Your tags and UTMs and everything across different channels. So if you have. You’re running email and display and paid social and, all of these different channels.
Uh, it’s really easy for, if you have a certain campaign name, like for someone to miss put a two dashes in something or put, you know, put the wrong letter in here. And all of a sudden that campaign name doesn’t come through cleanly into. And so it’s really easy to, to make a mistake there when you’re just using tools like the one we have here, which has kind of more one-off things.
This actually lets you store things, you can get your team in there. So it’s a really, really cool tool, all suit that link over to you as well. Uh, so you can take a look at that. but that’s definitely recommend doing something here. You got to really think about how you’re using your T UTMs there.
And then finally, a couple of other tools, a couple of plugs here. I know you’re all a lot of marketers. if you’re looking for a planning tool on definitely check out plump, promote prep, it’s a, uh, really a marketing calendar built for, uh, easy engagement and adoption. It’s very kind of visual and intuitive.
so, you know, hopefully if you need that, check that out. And also we’re in the midst of building this marketing inspiration tool. it’s basically, it’s, we’re tracking over a thousand different brands. their emails they’re sending out their SMS is they’re sending out connections to Instagram and Tik TOK.
So place to kind of get inspiration, kind of see what competitors are doing, whatever. so that’s coming soon. so if you want to get information about that, I’m going to get a shoot over there, link to our newsletter so you can sign up for that. And then finally I’d love to connect with all y’all. so definitely, connect with me on LinkedIn.
I’m happy to just put a note in there that you saw me on the webinar, and I’d love to connect with you there. So I’ll take a second here to see if there’s any other questions.
Any impacted GA integration with BI tools like data studio and Domo? yes and no data studio does connect to GA4 seamlessly. That’s that’s not a problem at all. Something like Domo, it’s, it’s using a big query connector, which, it doesn’t necessarily use the API, so it’s not going to connect as, as easily necessarily, but it can be done.
so, so the answer is. Depending on the platform. It’s definitely possible. So if you need to get your historical data, that’s, a good place to start is to get connected to some of these kind of data warehouses, or you can actually pull the data in. So you have your old universal information in there, but then you can also kind of, somewhat pull in a GA4.
But again, like you’re not going to be able to do a good comparison with J forever’s a universal cause they’re just not going to line up very well. Well there’s impact pulling information into data studio. Okay. Yep. So, no, I guess again, it won’t, you can connect directly to GA4, but if you’re using Univert, if you have reports set up in data studio with universal and then you’re connected G4, you’re going to have to recreate your reports.
And I’m definitely in that position. I use data studio a lot. it’s definitely problematic, so you’ve got to rebuild some stuff, so that, that going to be problematic. So, Cool. Uh, are there SEO impacts? No SEO impacts. this is not going to have any impact on that. this is really just reporting. universal didn’t really have any SEO impacts either.
It’s really just, the way to, to pull in, and track data. so yeah, there, there really are no SEO implications.
Cool. I think I answered. Most of the questions, if I didn’t, you can send them over. but certainly reach out to me. let me know if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer anything as they come up. but yeah. Good luck everybody. Uh, thanks so much for joining and I’ll.